Hourly to Salary Calculator

How to Convert Your Hourly Rate to Annual Salary?

To find your yearly salary from your hourly wage, multiply your hourly rate by how many hours you work per week, then multiply by 52 weeks. Most full-time employees work 2,080 hours per year (40 hours × 52 weeks).

Basic Formula:
Annual Salary = Hourly Rate × Hours Worked Per Week × 52 weeks

Real Example: If you make $25 per hour working full-time:
$25 × 40 hours × 52 weeks = $52,000 annual salary

For part-time workers:
30 hours per week: $25 × 30 × 52 = $39,000 per year
20 hours per week: $25 × 20 × 52 = $26,000 per year

Common Questions About Hourly to Salary Conversion

Does this calculation include paid time off and holidays?

Yes, this assumes you're paid for standard holidays and vacation time. If you have unpaid time off, you'll need to subtract those hours from your yearly total.

What about overtime pay?

This calculation shows base salary only. Overtime (usually 1.5× your regular rate for hours over 40/week) would be additional income.

Will this be my take-home pay?

No, this is your gross (before-tax) salary. Your actual take-home pay will be lower after federal taxes, state taxes, Social Security, Medicare, and any benefit deductions.

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