Monthly to Hourly Calculator

How to Convert Your Monthly Salary to Hourly Rate?

Converting monthly pay to an hourly rate requires working backward through the annual salary calculation. This is particularly useful when comparing job offers or considering part-time work.

Standard Formula:
Hourly Rate = (Monthly Pay × 12) ÷ (Weekly Hours × 52)

Example: For $5,000 monthly salary:
($5,000 × 12) ÷ (40 × 52) = $28.85 per hour

Quick Method:
Hourly Rate = Monthly Pay ÷ 173.33

Example: $5,000 ÷ 173.33 = $28.85 per hour

Common Questions About Monthly to Hourly Conversion

How do I get an accurate hourly rate from my monthly salary?

Multiply monthly pay by 12, then divide by annual work hours (2,080 for full-time).

Why use 173.33 hours for monthly calculations?

It represents average monthly work hours (40 hours × 52 weeks ÷ 12 months).

Is the monthly-to-hourly calculation accurate for irregular schedules?

It's most accurate for standard 40-hour weeks; adjust the formula using your actual hours.

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