Calculation History:

Online Scientific Calculator

Welcome to the Scientific Calculator, the web's most reliable and user-friendly tool for all your calculation needs. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who needs quick and precise calculations, our online calculator is designed to meet all your demands.

How to Use the Scientific Calculator?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0Number keys for entering values
+ × ÷Performing basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division):
1 + 2 = 3
.Used to enter decimal numbers:
0 . 2 + 0 . 6 = 0.8
=Getting the result of the calculation
ACClearing the calculator screen
Deleting the last entered symbol:
1 2 3 4 123
±Changing the sign of a number from positive to negative and vice versa:
3 ± −3
( )Entering parentheses:
( 2 + 2 ) × 2 = 8
EXPUsed to enter numbers in scientific notation
RNDGives a random number in (0,1)
AnsRecalls the last calculated result
M+Memory Add: Adds the displayed number to the memory
M-Memory Subtract: Subtracts the displayed number from the memory
MRMemory Recall: Recalls the current number stored in memory
sinSine: Calculates the sine of an angle
cosCosine: Calculates the cosine of an angle
tanTangent: Calculates the tangent of an angle
sin⁻¹Inverse Sine: Calculates the inverse sine (arcsine) of a value
cos⁻¹Inverse Cosine: Calculates the inverse cosine (arccosine) of a value
tan⁻¹Inverse Tangent: Calculates the inverse tangent (arctangent) of a value
πInserts the value of pi (approximately 3.1415926536)
eEntering the mathematical constant e:
log 1 , e = 0
x2 x3 xy 10XRaising to a power:
3 x2 = 9
2 xy 4 = 16
5 10X = 100 000
√x 3√x y√xFinding the root of a number:
1 2 5 3√x = 5
1 6 y√x 4 = 2
lnNatural Logarithm: Calculates the natural logarithm of a number
logLogarithm: Calculates the base-10 logarithm of a number
DegDegrees: Sets the calculator to use degrees for angle measurements. This is commonly used in geometry and trigonometry problems
RadRadians: Sets the calculator to use radians for angle measurements. This is often used in higher-level mathematics and engineering calculations
1/xCalculating the reciprocal of a number:
5 1/x = 0.2
%Percent: Calculates percentages
n!Calculating the factorial of a number:
5 n! = 120

Why Choose Our Scientific Calculator?

  • 1. Versatile Functionality: From basic calculation to complex scientific calculations, our online calculator handles it all with ease. You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and even advanced functions like trigonometry, logarithms, and more.
  • 2. User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive design ensures that you can perform calculations quickly and efficiently. The clean and straightforward layout helps you focus on what matters most—getting accurate results.
  • 3. Accessibility: Whether you're using a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, our online calculator is fully responsive and works seamlessly across all devices. No downloads or installations required—just open your browser and start calculating.
  • 4. Free and Always Available: Our online calculator is completely free to use, with no hidden fees or subscriptions. It's available 24/7, so you can access it whenever you need it.

Experience the convenience and precision of the Online Scientific Calculator today. Make your calculations faster, easier, and more accurate than ever before.